COMPOSITION: Nitrosomonas eutropha, Nitrobacter winogradskyi, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Plant extracts & Excipients.
- For ammonia and nitrite treatment: 1.0 ltr -1.5 Ltrs per acre.
- For ammonia and nitrite prevention: 500 ml -1.0 ltr per acre for every 10 days.
- Features a high-biomass, high performance nitrifying microbial consortium.
- Designed specifically to eliminate ammonia and nitrites in aquatic ecosystems.
- Actively oxidizes ammonia and nitrites by neutralizing their toxic effect on the aquatic life.
- Helps maintain a balanced aquatic ecosystem.
- Contributes positively to the health of aquatic animal and plant life.
- Reduces the risk of sickness and death of aquatic animal.